You are very cold like you are freezing, paralize and stagnant. You struggle about it and you cannot comprehend yourself or even control your own emotion and you are unable to lit yourself again cause your passion dies down. There is no joy in it but only a temporary happiness and pleasure. You know why? Cause you always grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the fire that can only lit your passion to burn again. So keep the fire burning by being always filled with the Holy Spirit. Repent and do not be the lord of yourself, even you don't want to be controlled by others, don't always control the situation cause your wisdom will fail and your understanding can be a lie but what is revealed by the Holy Spirit is truth and lasting. Learn to submit cause you are not your own, you were bought at a price. The One who paid for you is the One that you can trust. His plan and purpose will never to harm you but to bless you and make you prosperous and successful.